What I’m Focusing on This Year

Our holiday season felt like it would never end…isn’t that what we all wish for? It was idyllic — but also forced upon us because of COVID and a very long school break on top of that. My son had an asymptomatic case and luckily the rest of us stayed COVID-free, but it meant that my 3 other children had to leave school, my husband had to leave work, and we have been home, ALL TOGETHER, since December 7th. It actually reminded me of a PCS (military move) when we are together for everything nonstop. It’s one way to learn to love each other I guess!

We had weeks of staying up late late! And waking up to the sun pouring in the windows rather than the alarm clock starting our days. I fell into this natural flow of eating when I was hungry, exercising when I felt like it in the middle of the day rather than in my usual sleepy haze at 0 dark thirty. We worked on puzzles and played cards and read all the Christmas books and ate obscene amounts of chocolates and treats. I cooked A LOT and Matt did too. We went on hikes and walks and put up more Christmas lights, which in retrospect seems completely irresponsible because all those Christmas lights are now being given away (because those lights can’t really be used overseas where we will be spending our next several Christmases). And my brother came to spend 2 weeks with us, delaying his return flight a few times because we were all just so content hunkered down together.

One of the best things I did for myself was to put down my phone. I stopped working on social media and just focused on being present, talking to family and friends, and loving my skincare clients through personal messages and emails. And it felt good. As I’m writing this I still haven’t posted or shared anything yet. I have told myself all along that when the kids go back to school on Monday, I will get back to work.

I think this break has been healthy for me. I’m entering a new year knowing full well the kind of stress and pressure I am facing with a military move in just a few months. I know how organization brings me peace, and love the push to do lots of last minute things together here before we go. And I there are some things I am dreading already, and am actually ok with letting myself feel sad in the anticipation of it. My oldest son will graduate from high school, move with us, and then leave us for 2 whole years to serve as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I’m thrilled for him but I also know it isn’t easy to leave because I did it myself.

2022 is a banner year of change, goodbyes and new beginnings and adventures and I am here for it! I keep coming back to the truth that all of my life has prepared and brought me to this point, that I have what I need to navigate what is ahead. As my feet hit the floor every morning my anthem will be, “come what may and love it!” Love the new adventures. Love that I get to figure out so many new things. Love that I get to lean into new friendships and help my children do the same. LOVE that I will get to share places that have been special to me with my kids. Love that I just get to keep trying each day to be a little bit better.

What are you focusing on this year?

Some Fun Things:

  • DuoLingo has a family plan and we are all getting on board. Learning or brushing up on a language is always more fun (and effective) with friends!

  • This perfect sweatshirt is already a favorite of my daughter’s and I want one too.

  • Did you know you can take your passport photo on your phone? Easy and inexpensive and every one likes their photo.

  • Matt got me these boots for Christmas and I am loving how easy they are to wear, and I feel a little bit rock n’ roll.

  • I’m debating getting 2 of these chairs for our living room before we move…which makes no sense but I think I could surely still use them, right?


Swapping Resolutions for This List


I Switched My Skincare & Here is What Changed